Classes are held in Brisbane’s inner Western suburbs

(Class schedule with all information available by contacting us through the contact form)


Brisbane Qi Gong offers a wide variety of Courses on a rotational basis throughout the year. Most courses are 6-8 weeks in duration.

A beginning student may enter into the vast “river” of Qi Gong via any of these Courses. Classes will therefore have students with various degrees of experience all practising the same external form at different levels of “inner” experiencing.

Most people start their Qi Gong journey at the level of simple physical exercise and this has wonderful health benefits.

Those students who persist and gradually “dig deeper” begin to experience the wonder of more and more subtle sensations. This takes time and commitment but the rewards are great and the journey is truly endless.

There are literally hundreds of different Qi Gong styles and forms which range from very gentle movement and breathing to more challenging stretching and strengthening practices. The range of styles may look different superficially but all have the same fundamental underlying principles:


  • a strong “Earth” connection (grounded in legs and pelvis)
  • lengthened, upright, relaxed spine
  • increased awareness of energetic core (xia dan tian)
  • flexible, open joints
  • natural deep breathing
  • relaxed, yet focussed mental awareness
  • increased awareness of internal body sensations and qi flow
  • strong core strength
  • “Wu Wei” – the way of least effort


Qi Gong Forms

Once you have a grasp of basic principles you can go on to explore the richness of various Qi Gong styles. It is a good idea to try a number of different styles of Qi Gong until you discover what suits you best.

Your preference will depend on such variables as your health needs, fitness levels, time constraints and personality…there is something for every individual.



julie-dragonThis beautiful, deeply energising Qi Gong set contains both flowing and stretching movements inspired by the undulating movements of the mystical dragon.

  • builds a strong and supple back and spine
  • loosens the joints
  • improves circulation of blood and lymph
  • increases lung capacity and deepens the breathing
  • stretches and strengthens the legs
  • calms the heart and soothes the nervous system
  • deeply integrates mind and body



Translates as “returning to the source or root”. It reminds us of our deep connectedness to nature and the whole universe. This self-healing Qi Gong form has been developed by Dr Xu Hongtao from Beijing to both help prevent illness and facilitate recovery.

The six sections of Guigen Qi Gong are embedded in the ancient Daoist philosophy of yin/yang balance and harmony with the cycles of nature as well as the “5 Phases” and meridians of TCM. Guigen is described as a “soft, dynamic” form which strengthens qi flow and helps clear stagnation and restore balance in the meridian system. Movements are both flowing and gently stretching.



This is a set of easy, energising movement/breathing practices using a traditional wooden roller as an integral part of the exercise. Movements are both stretching and flowing as well as physically strengthening. The wooden roller is also a traditional training tool in Tai Chi practice.


SHIBASHI QI GONG (Literally “18 Breathing Exercise Practices”)

The power of this slow style of Qi Gong is in the alert, yet relaxed mental focus together with a steady, centred body awareness and lengthened, upright spine. The practice may be accompanied by appropriate slow, non-invasive music to calm the nervous system. Two levels of Shibashi Qi Gong are offered:

[title size=”3″]EAGLE SET[/title]

This is a very gentle, rhythmic Qi Gong, which involves no forced physical exertion. Excellent as a “moving meditation” self-healing practice.

[title size=”3″]PEACOCK SET[/title]

This set of beautiful movements is slightly more physically demanding but can still be performed by most people at their own level of health and fitness.


qirockThis is a specialist course, especially suitable for martial artists. Microcosmic Circulation is fundamental to all Daoist Qi Gong and the internal Martial Arts.

The course incorporates theory with practice and includes training in Xia Dan Tian empowerment and reversed abdominal breathing.

Techniques to develop mental focus are also included.




This Qi Gong is derived from 5 animal forms traditional to Chinese healing exercise and martial arts.

It is the most ancient Qi Gong system still practised today with its origins in prehistoric shamanic rituals and dances dating back before 2000 BC.

The movements based on Crane, Monkey, Tiger, Bear and Deer are fun and easy to learn. The practices, which synchonise slow, relaxed breathing with movement develop strength, grace, flexibility, balance and an abundance of healing qi (life-force energy)




This is a powerful, yet gentle set of 6 rhythmic movements in the Daoist tradition with focus on building power in the Dan Tian and encouraging a strong flow of qi in the Microcosmic Circuit. The emphasis of this form is on the Eight Extraordinary Vessels system. The last of the 6 movements connects the individual internal energy system (microcosm) with the universal qi field (macrocosm) of “heaven” and “earth”. The set is usually taught at the more advanced levels of practice and involves a high degree of internal concentration.

Sun and Moon is excellent for martial artists of all traditions who wish to deepen the Nei (internal) Gong component of their practice and improve their mental focus (Yi)



jvdancePrimordial (WuJi) Qi Gong has an 800 year old lineage in the Mt Wudang Daoist mystical tradition.

This beautiful spiralling form combines all the fundamental aspects of Daoist philosophy, including the concepts of yin and yang; the 3 Treasures of body, mind and spirit; feng shui and alchemy.

WuJi is literally translated as the Supreme Unknown or Unmanifest Emptiness. For hundreds of years WuJi was secret Qi Gong passed down through generations of Daoist spiritual adepts who practised this form as mystical, spiritual exercise which accumulated and refined their qi.

Learn how to gather qi from all the four directions, heaven and earth. Regular practice can improve your health at all levels and attune you to the primordial qi (breath) of nature.



Julie teaches the authentic 64 movement Wild Goose form of connected stretching, flowing movements incorporating self-acupressure and qi cultivation.

Dayan Qi Gong belongs to the ancient Daoist Kunlun (mountain) School. Dates go back over 1000 years to the Jin dynasties (starting around 200AD)

In the past, the practices were passed down secretly within the Daoist temples. This form is based on observation of the movements and habits of wild geese, long revered as symbols of longevity, grace and high energy. In fact, the form could be called “A Day in the Life of a Wild Goose”. Dayan Qi Gong is a very popular form in modern China and this set is actually part of a great repertoire of practices under this title. It has been made famous in modern times by a woman called Yang Meijun who taught the form to treat all kinds of diseases.

Physically, the movements focus on stretching and opening the spine and joints. This is the first step to opening the meridian system and clearing stagnation in the channels, as well as improving blood flow and quality of qi and blood.



4-tiger-facesThis very powerful and graceful form is inspired by Bai Laohu (White Tiger).

Introduced to the West by Shamanic Master Zhongxian Wu, the form consists of 24 connected movements which stretch and strengthen the physical and energy bodies.

There is emphasis on clearing stagnation and invigorating the entire system, especially the lower Dan Tian and Central Channel.



“Hun” means to “mix” or “blend”. “Yuan” refers to the primordial or original qi of the universe. Hun Yuan Qi Gong is Daoist in origin and this 21 movement set is a complete energy building, self-healing system. It is an ideal internal practice for martial artists or for anyone who wants to work with the more subtle levels of Qi Gong.




It is important to understand that practice at advanced levels of Qi Gong and Taiji is not about developing greater complexity and forceful effort. On the contrary, it is about increasing clarity, refinement and ease.

Qi Gong practice should not been seen as a compartment separate from daily, moment-to-moment living, but as a way of life.

Ultimately Practice involves deeply exploring the nature of “self” and the conditioned mind which drives us until we begin to see it for the construction that it is. This is the life-long journey towards “waking up” to our true nature and living a more richly present and compassionate life.


Contact Us for class fees and schedule